SwedeFest Truck Show in Suffolk

SwedeFest Regulations

Trucks are parked chronologically

Truck entry includes weekend pass for driver and one other. Extra adults and children are chargeable at £7.50 each. (Children under 12 are free entry)

Cheques are to be made payable to Mr R Billman and Miss M Lines. Payments are non-refundable at organisers discretion.

The name and address provided on the form will be solely responsible for all parties/persons included in the booking.

Swedefest and Stonham Barns Park will not be responsible for any loss/damage to any property on site. All vehicles entering the site will enter at their own risk. The show or host site will hold no responsibility for any loss or damage.

In the unlikely event of your vehicle getting stuck you must inform the event officials before attempting to move again.

All movement on site is to be marshalled due to public attendance. If you need to move after you have been parked up please contact event officials and wait to be moved.

No open fires on site.

The chopping or defacing of trees/bushes will not be tolerated on site.

Generators must be silent or switched off no later than 11pm (23:00) each night.

While travelling to the show you will pass through the village of Stonham Aspal please take care and be mindful of the residents.

Trade entries are asked to keep the area clean and tidy, binbags are available from the merchandise/booking in area on request.

Dogs are allowed on site but we ask you keep them on a leash at all times and any faeces is cleaned up immediately and disposed of appropriately.

Bins are provided throughout the site for the weekend to aid in the disposal of rubbish accumulated at the show.

No airhorns are permitted whilst on site, there is an owl sanctuary on site and we ask that you please respect the neighbours and other attendees.

Please ensure that you adhere to all Covid-19 measures and procedures while on-site.

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